Joe's Randomness that is blog


RIP Grandpop

While I was out getting an oil change, my mom called and let me know that my grandfather passed away early this morning. As such, I'll be travelling to PA for the next week (until next Thursday). I'll be back in NC for a few days until my mom flies in and we drive over to Nashville and I spend a week there.


Looks like I'm headed north

I'll be heading to PA for who knows how long. My mom is flying to Raleigh and then we're gonna drive north. About a month ago, my grandfather was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and things aren't looking too good at the moment, hence the sudden trip home for as long as need be. I swear to God, if I get a bunch of phone calls from companies that want to schedule interviews while I'm gone, I'm going to be really bummed, since I have no way of knowing when I'll be back in NC. Hopefully things will get better in PA and we won't have to stay for too long. At least it'll be good to get out of this darn humidity for a bit.

I'll probably take my computer with me and try to get online a few times (there's a Panera not too far from the grandparents house) to post some updates.

The new world of podcasting

New to me at least. I downloaded the newest version of iTunes and it has support for podcasting built in. A few months ago, when Opera released version 8 of its browser, they included RSS feeding as an option. I've grown a little dependant on my feeds. But seriously, its so much better to just get email-like messages when new stories are posted, as opposed to having to go to cnn, slashdot, or notebookforums constantly just to check and see if something of interest has been posted. I see podcasting in the same light. Its a great new feature that's really leading edge at this point (especially since its now built into iTunes).

Now I just have to find some decent podcasts to listen to all day. I've already signed up for a few, including dvd reviews, golf talk, and the slashdot weekly review. I dont think that anyone reads this, but if you do and you are into the whole podcasting scene, let me know some other ones that are good. I'd really like to find a good comedy podcast.


Ok, its a little past 11

After my previous posting today, I decided it would be better to go and golf than sit around all day. Again, Indian Valley was the course because it's fairly close by and its really cheap ($15, cart included. . .thats almost free in golf).

Coverage of the round:
It was hot. It was humid. 90+ heat index. But at least it didn't rain or anything stupid like that. However, due to the heat and humidity (at least I think so) caused me to hit the ball much less farther than normal. My irons were all off by about 10 yards. On the first par three on the front, which was about 170 yards and downhill, I pured a 6 iron and it didn't even reach the green (probably traveled about 155 yards before plugging in a bunker).
Apart from the heat and humidity, I had a good day I think. For not having played 18 holes probably since the summer before I started college, I played well. On the front 9, my iron game was terrible. I didn't hit one green in reg. I did, on the other hand, chip and putt half decently. I shot around what I did when I played last Friday (low to mid 40s).
I had never played the back 9 at Indian Valley before today, so the results surprised me a bit. I started off on fire. I hit the first 3 fairways and greens. Putting wasn't as good as the front though so no birdies despite having the ball about 20 feet away for birdie on all three. After that though, I started to get really tired. I hooked all of my tee shots on the rest of the holes, except for 18. I managed to shoot in the low 40's on the back (including a great up-and-down on the last for par) so 18 hole total was low to mid 80's. I think if I keep playing more, the consistency I had will start to come back and I should be able to get down into the 70's at Indian Valley (its a short 6500 yards from the tips, par 70 course).
I've also decided I need to start working out. Even with the cart, I was still dead tired after playing 18 holes. Since I still have no job, I should get on that.

Until I figure out something else to write about. . .

Some updates

Since blogger wasn't letting me change settings in my old template, I picked this as my new look and feel. I'll probably tweak the css sometime this week, if I feel not-lazy.

Also, I got a call earlier today about a job I applied for over the weekend. Its for a web producer for a company in Raleigh. They're going to call me back next week to tell me more about the job and, hopefully, set up an interview. Haven't heard back from the other jobs I applied for last week so who knows if they'll bother to contact me.

Right now, I'm debating if I want to go golf or not. Other than it being really hot outside, there's also a chance of isolated storms popping up at any time. More on this developing story at 11. . .