Joe's Randomness that is blog


As predicted. . .

I did not update around Christmas, but indeed after I have built my desktop. To catch up with things.

Work has been fine (just about done on a site that I did completely by myself, from concept through implementation in about a month).

Christmas was good. The few days leading up to Christmas were a bit depressing though. Diana went to NY to visit family so I was alone from the Wednesday before the holiday up until Christmas night (yeah, I spent Christmas morning sleeping, not with friends/family). But Christmas night was great. . .Diana came home and then my mom also made the trip over from Nashville and stayed with us until Tuesday morning.

New Years Eve weekend was awesome. My friend Jeff came up from Charlotte and stayed for a few days and also Mike was in town visiting Laura so they hung around most of the weekend too. So much Scene It was played. I really don't know much about movies. . .

That's about all that has happened since the last post besides the building of the desktop, which is awesome btw. Only spec that changed since the last post in terms of the components is the power supply. I found a GREAT deal on a used PC Power and Cooling 510w SLI-ready supply. They are pretty much the best power supplies on the market (and as such, are very expensive new, but I got one that is less than a year old for $80 off the new price). Pretty much everything went together nicely. Wiring in the P180 was a bit tricky. No way I could really hide wires, so I mainly tried to keep it organized in a way that wouldn't hurt airflow in the case. I think it all came out very nicely. And the best part is. . .it hauls ass in gaming (as was to be expected). I ran the 3dMark05 test after getting everything installed and working and scored a 7401. If I ever decide to overclock, there should be no problems hitting 8000. And then when I throw a 2nd card in there in SLI. . .watch out.

Anyway, here's the link to some pictures. The P180 Hotness

And my favorite picture. . .

Sweet. . .