Google. . .can they do anything?
The web's best search engine. . .the web's best e-mail. . .the web's best IM/Voice service?
Less than a week ago as I was browsing my RSS feeds from Slashdot, there seemed to be a lot about Google Talk. I believe that there were two posts in the same day about it. Needless to say it sparked an interest in the new happenings of Google. Apart from learning more about Google Talk (runs on the Jabber protocol so Gaim can use it, Google's client supports voice so you can practically make phone calls to other friends, etc), I also read about the new Google Desktop, which was just released about a week earlier. This has been my new favorite piece of software. Using it as a sidebar on the desktop, you not only get the desktop search feature but also a plethora of other awesome features. "Out of the box" it gives you widgets to receive gmail messages, rss feeds, file history (if you use a supported browser, ie not the one I use, Opera), top web searches, local weather (goodbye Weatherbug says I), top news, and more. Where this new tool will really shine though is that it can be added to. Like I said, its only been out a week or two, but there are already a lot of user-created widgets. The two I've been using are a system monitor and a control for iTunes. I'm sure more will come the longer Google Desktop is available.
OK, enough geeking out about Google. I wish they were located on the east coast instead of the west because I would be doing just about anything possible to work for them. Perhaps I'll see if I can figure out how to create an add-on for the desktop sidebar. Just gotta figure out what I want to see (probably something dealing with video games, since the sidebar is so convenient when I'm gaming).
Less than a week ago as I was browsing my RSS feeds from Slashdot, there seemed to be a lot about Google Talk. I believe that there were two posts in the same day about it. Needless to say it sparked an interest in the new happenings of Google. Apart from learning more about Google Talk (runs on the Jabber protocol so Gaim can use it, Google's client supports voice so you can practically make phone calls to other friends, etc), I also read about the new Google Desktop, which was just released about a week earlier. This has been my new favorite piece of software. Using it as a sidebar on the desktop, you not only get the desktop search feature but also a plethora of other awesome features. "Out of the box" it gives you widgets to receive gmail messages, rss feeds, file history (if you use a supported browser, ie not the one I use, Opera), top web searches, local weather (goodbye Weatherbug says I), top news, and more. Where this new tool will really shine though is that it can be added to. Like I said, its only been out a week or two, but there are already a lot of user-created widgets. The two I've been using are a system monitor and a control for iTunes. I'm sure more will come the longer Google Desktop is available.
OK, enough geeking out about Google. I wish they were located on the east coast instead of the west because I would be doing just about anything possible to work for them. Perhaps I'll see if I can figure out how to create an add-on for the desktop sidebar. Just gotta figure out what I want to see (probably something dealing with video games, since the sidebar is so convenient when I'm gaming).