Joe's Randomness that is blog


The new world of podcasting

New to me at least. I downloaded the newest version of iTunes and it has support for podcasting built in. A few months ago, when Opera released version 8 of its browser, they included RSS feeding as an option. I've grown a little dependant on my feeds. But seriously, its so much better to just get email-like messages when new stories are posted, as opposed to having to go to cnn, slashdot, or notebookforums constantly just to check and see if something of interest has been posted. I see podcasting in the same light. Its a great new feature that's really leading edge at this point (especially since its now built into iTunes).

Now I just have to find some decent podcasts to listen to all day. I've already signed up for a few, including dvd reviews, golf talk, and the slashdot weekly review. I dont think that anyone reads this, but if you do and you are into the whole podcasting scene, let me know some other ones that are good. I'd really like to find a good comedy podcast.


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