That time again
Yes kids, its that time again. Time for Joe to not be constantly updating you with news of his life because other crazy stuff is going on. Mainly the final week of school for 2004.
Here's what I've done/will be doing before next Monday.
Thats it. OK, on to doing my website now. I'll update after this hell thats known as Finals Week is over. . .
Here's what I've done/will be doing before next Monday.
- Database homework 5 (88)
- ColdFusion homework 7
- Implementation of Checkers source code (nearly 25,000 lines of code)(95)
- Digital Art take home final(100)
- Personal Website
- Digital Art Final Project(A-)
- Programming Languages Final Exam(don't think i want to know)
- Database Final Project
- Database Final Exam
- ColdFusion Final Project
Thats it. OK, on to doing my website now. I'll update after this hell thats known as Finals Week is over. . .