Joe's Randomness that is blog


Nothing new to report

As the title suggests, no job news really. I am going to some kind of job fair-esque thing in Greensboro this coming Wednesday (I think its doing work with a car dealership, they called early and I could barely understand what the lady was saying anyway). So maybe something good will come out that. The web producer job that I had a phone interview with while I was in PA still hasn't contacted me back yet about interviews which makes me very sad. That job sounded really great and the pay was amazing (since I'd be working with IBM/Lenovo). It was OK sitting around shortly after graduation but 2 months of not doing anything is really really getting on my nerves. It's not like I was some dumb computer person that just barely got through college with a C average. I pretty much finished my degree in 3 years, working 20 hours/wk for 2 of them, with a major GPA of almost 3.8 and an overall of 3.336 (which, after a 1.8 GPA my freshman year, is really darn good, like around a 3.65 for the last 3 years after changing majors). I do know my stuff about computers but no one wants to hire people without experience. WTF am I supposed to do? I can't get "experience" without a job and I can't get a job without experience. All things considered, my on-campus job for the past 2 years was probably tougher than just sitting around and creating web pages all day. I not only had to learn new technology but I had to teach it to people who barely knew how to use computers. Arg. So depressing that the 100k+ spent on college isn't really amounting to anything. That plus the fact that the longer I don't have a job, the more knowledge I'll forget so I'll seem really incompetent when I do start working. AND BEST BUY NEVER EVEN CALLED BACK! There's something wrong when a new Best Buy won't call back college graduates. . .

A real, non-blabbing post will come tomorrow about what's been going on in my life the past few weeks or so, sans the crappy job search status.


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