Joe's Randomness that is blog


Some /. for ya. . .

In case you don't /. here's some interesting stories I've seen recently. By interesting I mainly mean in terms of gaming. . .

1)Massive Multiplayer Gaming Warehouses On The Way
-This sounds like it may be incredible. When I was in Australia, all the cities had multiple locations where anyone could go, pay $2 or so and have internet access for 30 minutes or more (if they wanted to pay more). This seems to be taking that concept to another level. $5/hr to have access to a huge TV and some of the best gaming equipment available. . .sounds decent.

2)Some Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 schtuf
-Since I got my new laptop in August, I've pretty much gotten bored with console games and Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 are without question the biggest technological breakthroughs, in terms of video games, this year. Personally, I think Half-Life 2 was a bit over-hyped with what we got. Granted, it absolutely obliterates Doom in the sense of keeping a fairly high and steady frame rate (50 in HL2 compared to the 30 or so I got in Doom). However, I think that the Doom 3 engine is far more impressive in terms of TRUE realism, which is to me sound AND visuals.
Anyway, back to that story. Nausea. . .wtf? Definately missed that part of the airboat ride. And then, there's using HL2 textures in the Doom 3 engine. Strange, but I think it can totally be done, and the pictures included in the link from the /, story show that. However, I think the real test would be trying to take Doom 3 textures and throw them at the Source engine. I'd be willing to bet Source wouldn't be able to handle it. OK, I've blabbed enough about this.
In closing. . .Half-Life 2 = great game, great new technology (Source) but Doom 3 = great game, better new technology (when playing the game, its very tough to remember that it is just a game when you have high-resolution zombies coming out of shadows, demons screeching all around you and a single eerie light swinging overhead and having to deal with constantly moving shadows).

I'll post more news as I see fit. And I'll also be posting progress reports in Half-Life 2 as well. Currently, I'm in the "scary" part, a city full of zombies and headcrabs and death-traps by the name of Ravenholm. Besides the non-human inhabitants, there's a crazy preist who seems to enjoy blowing the crap out of zombies. And people say he's insane. . .
Oh yeah. . .I likey the gravity gun. Picking up huge saw blades and hurling them at zombies is fun. Since there's a grav gun mod for Doom 3, all we need now are the saw blades and then Doom 3 would have all the fun stuff that Half-Life 2 currently has. Well, except for the hot lead female character. . .


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